Thursday 28 February 2019

What Should You Do If ED Drugs Don’t Work?

When ED Drugs don't workSince it was first approved by the FDA for treatment of erectile dysfunction ED in 1998 Viagra, also known as the little blue pill, and other oral medications have offered hope to millions of men and brought in billions of dollars in revenue for the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture them. However, oral ED medications do not improve erectile function in all men. There are a number of reasons why ED drugs don’t work. Read on to learn about how to make ED drugs work better and alternative treatments for ED when medications like Viagra are ineffective. What should you do if ED drugs don’t work?


Realistic Expectations from ED Drugs


Viagra and other pills for erectile dysfunction are not miracle cures. Before concluding that ED drugs don’t work, it’s important to ensure you have realistic expectations from these drugs. Here’s what to expect from oral medications for erectile dysfunction:

  • ED drugs don’t work without arousal. The medication restores and improves blood flow to the penis, but sexual stimulation and foreplay are still required for an erection to occur.


  • ED drugs don’t work immediately. In most men, it takes at least 30 minutes for Viagra and Levitra to become effective. The effects typically last for 4 hours after taking the pill. Some medications like Cialis are most effective 2-3 hours after taking the pill.


  • ED drugs may not work the first time they are used. If a medication doesn’t work even after a few attempts, the doctor may need to prescribe a higher dose or a different ED drug. Studies show 100 mg Viagra is effective in many men who fail to respond to the 50 mg dose.


  • ED drugs may not work if you have certain underlying medical conditions. Frequently men who have diabetes, prostate cancer, or are taking medications for hypertension do not achieve positive results with ED drugs.


How to Take ED Drugs: The Correct Approach


Psychological factors can sometimes play a role in erectile dysfunction. However, underlying causes are usually medical in nature. Beyond medical factors, there are other considerations which can make for a positive sexual health experience using oral medications to treat erectile dysfunction.

Food: Some ED drugs like sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra), and avanafil (Spedra) are not as effective if they are taken with food. To ensure that these drugs work, it is necessary to wait at least 2 hours after a meal before taking the medication. In addition, fatty foods and sour fruits like grapefruit can make these medications less effective. The only exception to this is Cialis (tadalafil) which can be taken with food.

Alcohol: It’s a good idea to avoid alcohol when taking ED drugs. Drinking can worsen some of the side effects of the medication, such as headaches, dizziness, and flushed skin. Alcohol is also known to worsen erectile dysfunction, counteracting the benefits of the medication and leading to the belief that ED drugs don’t work.

Timing: Men with erectile dysfunction need a little more planning before sex. The best way to take Viagra is 30-60 minutes before sex, although it can be taken up to 4 hours prior. Studies show that erections last longer when Viagra is taken two hours before sex compared to four hours. Cialis should be taken a couple of hours before anticipated sexual activity and its effects can last up to 36 hours.

Contraindications: Never mix ED drugs with nitrates which are used to treat chest pain and other heart conditions as this can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure. In addition, ED drugs may interact with a number of medications. Talk to your doctor about taking Viagra while on other medications such as those used to treat high blood pressure, antifungals, blood thinners, and anti-seizure medicines.


Alternative Treatments When Oral ED Drugs Don’t Work


When oral ED drugs don't workSometimes erectile dysfunction medications do not work even if they are taken as directed. In fact, these drugs are ineffective in for large numbers of men with ED. One thing to consider if ED drugs don’t work is instituting lifestyle modifications including diet and exercise. A review of current medications might prove useful because some medications can interfere with oral ED treatments. Alternative treatments for ED when oral medications don’t work include:


Vacuum devices: The simplest non-medication treatment for ED is a penis pump or vacuum erection device (VED). This device pulls blood flow into the penis by creating a vacuum. A ring at the base of the penis maintains the erection for up to 30 minutes. Penis pumps are also known to promote penile health and improve erections in men who have undergone surgery for prostate cancer.

Vacuum devices (penis pumps) are increasingly being used along with other treatments to improve the results of oral medications, injections, and surgical implants pre-operation.

Learn more by reading a “Guide to Penis Pumps.”

Injections: If ED medications are ineffective, injection of a drug called alprostadil directly into the penis may help, although this is frequently associated with problems such as pain, bleeding, scarring, low blood pressure, and prolonged erections. 

Compounding pharmacies routinely prepare bi-mix and tri-mix injectables for erectile dysfunction. This refers to either two or three chemicals. Bi-mix is often a reference to papaverine and phentolamine, while tri-mix adds prostaglandin also known as alprostadil.


Transurethral pellets: Muse is a type of alprostadil that is formed into a medicated pellet.  It is inserted into the urethra via a specially designed applicator.  The onset of effect is within 5–10 minutes after administration. The duration of effect is approximately 30–60 minutes. However, the actual duration will vary from patient to patient.


Surgical Implants: A penile prosthesis is surgically implanted in the penis to treat ED. The basic models are either malleable (bendable) or inflatable, inflatable or hydraulic designs are popular because they are easy to conceal. Costs can range from $ 10,000 – $ 30,000.  In general surgical implants are considered the treatment of last resort due to the invasiveness of the procedure and cost.

The post What Should You Do If ED Drugs Don’t Work? appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.


Wednesday 20 February 2019

Tips for stronger erections

Erections are the result of a complex interplay within the body. External factors such as emotions are also involved. Psychosexual arousal, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, nitric oxide, and hormone levels all play a role. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to obtain erections sufficiently strong for satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Erectile dysfunction is a common condition. Especially among men that are suffering from an underlying medical disorder. Some of the most common medical disorders associated with ED are diabetes, heart disease, and prostate cancer.

How can you get stronger erections? What manageable factors impact erectile function? Is it possible to treat ED without erectile dysfunction medications? Here are some lifestyle changes and tips for stronger erections.


Foods that help erections


Foods that help erections

An unhealthy diet leads to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Diet can also affect your performance in the bedroom. Research shows that eating patterns that clog the blood vessels and cause heart attacks also affect arteries in the penis.

Healthy erections require a vast inflow of blood into the penis. The first tip to make your erection stronger is to eat a heart-healthy diet and consume red meat in moderation. This should include lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and a limited amount of saturated fats, processed foods, and fried snacks.

A Mediterranean diet is rich in olive oil, nuts, fish, and red wine. According to clinical studies, the Mediterranean diet is associated with a relatively lower incidence of erectile dysfunction. Eating healthy also helps maintain a healthy weight. Too much body fat is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes can lead to nerve damage in the penis and problems with erections. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes can be potentially avoided or managed with healthy dietary choices. Less body fat through a healthy diet can make for stronger erections.


Sex and Lifestyle


Foods are not the only things we consume that can impact the quality of erections. Lifestyle choices also can affect our sex life. The toxins in cigarette smoke can damage blood vessels carrying blood throughout the body. This includes the penis.

Heavy alcohol consumption can affect erectile function. It has the potential to cause nerve injury. Alcohol can also interfere with male sex hormones, this can lead to erectile dysfunction or weak erections. For harder, stronger erections, stop smoking and drink alcohol in moderation. 


Exercise for Strong Erections


Exercise for Strong ErectionsThere is a direct correlation between a sedentary lifestyle and erectile dysfunction. Men who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from erection problems and are likely to experience an improved sex drive. You can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by making small changes. Start by parking at the far end of parking lots, taking the stairs, and walking instead of taking a taxi.

An important tip on making erections stronger is doing the right kind of exercise. Aerobic exercise such as running and swimming helps prevent ED. Kegel exercises (repeated contraction and relaxation of pelvic muscles) may help some men regain normal erectile function. 


Can stress cause erectile dysfunction?


Stress causing erectile dysfunction has been the focus of clinical studies. Nerves play a critical role in triggering erections. Stress affects the nervous system and increases the level of cortisol and adrenaline hormones in the body.

This can result in low libido and might create a contraction of the penile arteries, possibly leading to problems with maintaining an erect penis. Managing emotions, easing tension, and dealing with relationship issues may all help with making erections stronger. Psychogenic impotence is not uncommon and is often misunderstood.


Can lack of sleep cause erectile dysfunction?


A good night’s sleep is important to make erections stronger. Men without organic ED have 3-5 nocturnal erections every night. Night time erections work like an exercise regimen for the penis.

This naturally keeps blood flow, muscle tissue, and nerves within the penis in good working condition. Nocturnal erections are thought to occur during R.E.M sleep. R.E.M sleep usually happens 90 minutes after you fall asleep.

Without adequate sleep, nocturnal erections can be disrupted. In addition, sleep deprivation is known to cause a dip in testosterone levels and libido. Good sleep is helpful for strong erections.

For more information, check out “Nocturnal Erections and Penile Health.”


Penis Exercise


Exercises for the penis is often referred to as penile rehabilitation by Urologist in the medical community. There are accounts of penis exercise that focus on penis enlargement or penis exercises for permanent growth. For this reason, some clarification is necessary. 

After reading popular websites, one can’t help but ask, does penis enlargement exercise lead to permanent growth of the penis? As it stands, men looking for permanent penis growth exercises are going to be disappointed. No non-surgical options have been proven effective to create a permanent increase of girth or length of the penis.

However, there is good evidence that a penis pump used for exercise can have positive benefits for penile health. Recent studies on penile rehabilitation following radical prostatectomy demonstrate the therapeutic benefit of a vacuum erection device. Many physicians believe that this research applies to all men suffering from ED who do not achieve nocturnal erections.

Pulling blood flow into penile tissues using a vacuum erection device is like exercise. The process stretches tissues in a manner similar to any other form of physical exercise that builds strength. Oxygenation of tissues that are otherwise in a non-erect (flaccid) state prevents penile atrophy, programmed cell death, and penile shortening. 


What is penis exercise?


Penis exercise using a vacuum erection device for therapy is nothing more than the process of creating and releasing multiple erections. Using a penis pump for penis exercise is thought to mimic the benefits of nocturnal erections in men.

Men suffering from organic ED often don’t achieve nocturnal erections naturally. The simple process of creating and releasing multiple erections is therapeutic. A single exercise session with a penis pump creates full penile rigidity. This is a unique attribute of a vacuum erection device (also known as a penis pump).


For more information, check out How to use a penis pump for penis exercise.”

The post Tips for stronger erections appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.


Wednesday 13 February 2019

How to get an Erection on Command with a Penis Pump

Erection on commandThe physiology of erectile function is not simple. It involves nitric oxide pathways. Nerves and hemodynamics (dynamics of blood flowing) must work together to produce an erection. If you’re a man with normal erectile function, you may wonder how to get an erection on command. The best time for sexual intercourse can occur without a plan or schedule. A man under 30 without ED is not always able to get an erection on command. If you have sexual health challenges or experience erectile dysfunction, it is a more difficult question. How do you achieve an erection on command?

Is timing important when choosing a sexual health aid? What is the quickest way to increase penile blood flow? How do you achieve a harder erection in the least amount of time? Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are popular. Do they work on command or quickly?

Sex Pills for men

Oral medications are a very common treatment for ED. The best sex pills for men are prescription. Prescription medications for sexual health often impact nitric oxide synthesis. As a result of the medical findings around nitric oxide, l-arginine is found in many over the counter supplements.

Usually, over the counter medications are unregulated by the FDA. Many are not safe to use. Others only work for men without erectile dysfunction if they work at all. These are best described as performance enhancement supplements.

Depending on your medical condition, prescription oral ED medications may not work. Half of the prescriptions for oral ED medications are not refilled. This may speak to effectiveness. If you are a man who can take a prescription pill for ED that is great. Even then it usually takes 30 to 60 minutes after taking the medication to produce results. So if you want to create an erection on command, a pill might not do the trick.

Harder Erections

One of the common complaints among viagra users is the low quality of erection produced. Most men must wait 30 minutes to an hour after taking the pill for results. Many men then only experience a semi-erect penis. This is one of the advantages to correct use of a medical grade penis pump. Used properly you can achieve an erection that is your fullest natural erection on command.

How to use a penis pump for erections on command

With a minimum amount of practice, you can create an erection using a penis pump. It only takes 2-3 minutes. As you ingest Viagra and nitric oxide causes smooth muscle tissues in the penis to relax you could have easily created an erection with a penis pump. By the time the drug begins to take effect, you are having sex with a penis pump. The process involves 3 simple steps:


Erectile Dysfunction Pump containing flaccid penis


Apply the system over the penis.





Harder erections


Activate the pumping mechanism. This will draw blood into the penis, causing an erection.





Harder erections


Once the penis is fully engorged, the tension ring is placed at the base of the penis, maintaining the erection.






Penis Exercise

As you learn the process of how to get an erection on demand, penis exercise is possible. Penis exercise is a process prescribed by sexual health physicians. Following prostate surgery, men often lose nighttime erections. These are called nocturnal erections. Nocturnal erections occur 3-5 times per night. They are considered to be associated with penile health.

Creating erections draws oxygen-rich blood flow into penile tissues. The process of blood flowing into a non-erect penis stretches tissues. This prevents tissue atrophy and maintains penile length. You can use a penis pump to mimic nocturnal erections. To use a penis pump for penile health do the following:

  1. Apply the system over the penis.
  2. Activate the pumping mechanism. This will draw blood into the penis, causing an erection.
  3. Release the erection in the cylinder and perform the first and second steps again.

Repeat penis exercises using a penis pump 3-5 times per week. Each session should last for approximately 20-30 minutes. You don’t have to be a prostate cancer survivor to lose nighttime erections. Diabetes and hypertension medications often cause a loss of nocturnal erections. Other medical conditions are associated with the loss of nocturnal erections. Even severe lack of sleep can be associated with this loss.

Repetitive erections keep the penis healthy. This can improve your erections. Harder erections can then become more likely.

Can a penis pump assist with premature ejaculation?

What is premature ejaculation? This is when men are not able to keep an erection without releasing semen. After semen is released the erection is lost. Erectile dysfunction is defined as the lack of ability to achieve an erection and maintain it. Premature ejaculation prevents men from being able to maintain an erection.

When you use a penis pump, a penis ring is placed on the base of the penis. This is what maintains an erection after it is created. When you learn how to use a penis ring you learn how to maintain an erection. You can keep an erection up to 30 minutes with a penis ring in place. In some men, this is a confidence booster. In other men, this is a way to maintain an erection to please a sexual partner.

Penis Pump Results

Over 90% of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction can achieve an erection with a medical grade penis pump. For best results, you can buy directly from the manufacturer. Augusta Medical Systems is the premier manufacturer of American made vacuum erection devices. No prescription is required. Regardless of non-prescription status, it is important to discuss sexual health issues with your physician. Erectile dysfunction can be the first symptom of an undiagnosed medical condition.

The post How to get an Erection on Command with a Penis Pump appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.
