Thursday 26 July 2018

Penis Pump Advantages

Penis Pump Advantages

If you were attempting to find ED solutions 35 years ago the treatment options commonly available today would be non-existent.  You would find yourself in a similar position as Geddings Osbon who created, then received FDA approval for the first non-invasive ED solution in 1982. We now refer to his invention as a vacuum erection device, negative pressure device, vacuum therapy system or penis pump.  What are penis pump advantages?


What do Penis Pumps do?



What does a penis pump do

Penis pumps mimic natural erections by pulling blood from the body through the base of the penis into chambers of the penis (corpus cavernosum) to create an erection. No drugs, surgeries, or needles are required, making a penis pump non-invasive and natural.  A penis pump creates negative pressure in a cylinder that is specifically designed to pull blood into the penis.  You simply place the penis in a cylinder and activate the negative pressure device to get fantastic results.

Millions of couples achieve satisfying sexual intercourse when they buy a penis pump and master the simple process of using it.  Erections are blood filling events.  Using a penis pump will increase the typical flaccid penis size by as much as 200% or more when an erection is created. If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, there are many reasons why you should own an erectile dysfunction pump. 

Penis pumps are the only ED solution that will work to enhance or complement every other effective erectile dysfunction treatment.  Augmenting partial erections created while using penile injections or reducing the dosage of oral ED medications by incorporating a penis pump are considered popular treatment protocols by sexual health experts.  Penis pumps are owned by men suffering from erectile dysfunction that believe in a comprehensive approach to the treatment of male sexual dysfunction.


Erectile dysfunction treatment over the counter



Erectile dysfunction treatment over the counter



Penis pumps are the only clinically viable, proven and reliable erectile dysfunction treatment available without the time and cost of an office visit which is commonly necessary to obtain a prescription from your doctor. In 1982 a prescription was required by the FDA when the first vacuum erection device was approved.

After 15 years of very few or minimal side effects, the FDA decided to make a medical penis pumps available without prescription requirements.  This also applies to novelty non-medical products so it is important to avoid sex toys that make medical claims.

In 1997 prescription requirements were removed.  However, penis pumps covered by Medicare required a prescription until 2015.  This was necessary only for the purposes of insurance coverage.  When the Able Act was passed by Congress in 2015, Medicare coverage of the penis pump was discontinued.  Private insurance companies quickly followed Medicare policies and dropped coverage.

So there are no advantages in obtaining a prescription from your physician, this is what makes Soma Therapy-ED the otc erectile dysfunction treatment of choice.

While purchasing directly from the manufacturer online is easy, it is critical that a medical doctor has diagnosed the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction.  Often ED can be the first indication that a medical condition which requires medical treatment is present.   


Do penis pumps really work?


The Journal of Urology published a clinical study in 1989 in which 1,396 men out of 1,517 either achieved an erection or erection-like state that was satisfactory for sexual intercourse. With a satisfaction rate of 92% no other erectile dysfunction treatment was as effective at that time or is now.  Medical grade penis pumps really do work when used properly. 


Augusta Medical system is known throughout the world as the manufacturer of choice for the best penis pump.


Medical devices such as glasses, diabetic shoes or orthopedics as common as crutches require some adjustment and a certain gaining of experience and familiarity to achieve optimal results. A penis pump is no different.  Before using a penis pump for sexual intercourse, learning how to use the device and going through basic training to recondition blood vessels in the penis that have been inactive due to the absence of nocturnal erections May be necessary.


This is as simple as using the device to create and release repetitive erections which stretch blood vessels and oxygenate penile tissues.


Penis stretching exercises


Erections are the best way to stretch the penis and oxygenate penile tissues. Clinical studies have demonstrated that without penile oxygen saturation the penis will experience atrophy, shrinkage, and programmed cell death.  Multiple erections can be created and released in one exercise session using a Soma Therapy-ED product.  This fact is what makes Soma Therapy-ED a perfect instrument for penis exercise.


Penile injections or oral prescription medications can create erections that bring blood into the penis. However, erections created by injections or oral medications cannot be predictably released.  With an erectile dysfunction pump, all one does is create a natural full erection and release the vacuum to release the erection.


In addition, repeating the process of creating erections with a penis pump is simple. All one does is create a vacuum, release it, and form another erection with the device in 30 to 45 seconds. The simple process of releasing the erection and repeating the process can be easily accomplished with vacuum therapy. 


In the case of penile injections or oral ED medications, administration of another needle or drug may be necessary. This truly makes other treatment modalities unpractical in mimicking the healthful benefits of nocturnal erections.  This is the basis of penile rehabilitation.


Penile stretching devices do not pull blood into tissues and engorge blood vessels, so therapeutic benefits to the vascular structures in the penis are non-existent with extenders or penis stretching products.


Sex after prostate surgery


The absence of erections after prostate surgery is probably not the first concern when diagnosed with prostate cancer.  However, the realities soon change after a successful radical prostatectomy eliminates cancer and prostate surgery recovery effects intimacy with your loved one.  A technique recommended by Urologist, erectile dysfunction specialist, who perform the surgical procedure is known as penile rehabilitation.


A penis pump is considered the treatment of choice by many highly respected urologist to rehabilitate the penis and restore natural erectile function following a radical prostatectomy.  Penile hypoxia combined with neurapraxia is thought to be the major cause of erectile dysfunction following radical prostatectomy. 


Use of a penis pump to create and release erections after surgery while nerves are healing is thought to pull oxygen-rich blood into penile tissues in a way that counters these realities and has the potential restore natural erectile function.


Harder Erections


Harder Erections

One of the chief complaints of men who have an underlying medical condition in which erectile dysfunction is a secondary condition is partial erections. When using oral medications such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra it is commonly reported and can be frustrating to use a treatment in which the erection produced isn’t sufficient to engage in sexual intercourse.  This is not the case for men who are properly using an erectile dysfunction pump.

Negative pressure and the use of vacuum therapy will maximize the bodies potential to fill the blood vessels in the penis with blood.  Full penile engorgement means that you can achieve the fullest and hardest erection physically possible.  Learn to use the device to create full erections and you will also be learning how to keep an erection longer naturally.

No drugs are ingested into the body, needles injected into the penis or surgical procedures required to use a penis pump.  This fact makes a penis pump natural and non-invasive. Further, consider the reality that you can maintain the erection until you make the decision to release it by removing the tension system at the base of the penis. It is recommended to release full erections after 30 minutes.  Mastery of Soma Therapy-ED gives you complete control over erectile function.


ED Solutions


In a 2013 clinical study titled “The resurgence of the vacuum erection device for the treatment of erectile dysfunction” published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine the following was concluded:

“The VED has continued to show efficiency for treatment of ED due to various etiologies and should be considered an attractive second-line therapy.  In select cases such a post-prostatectomy penile rehabilitation, as well as men who cannot use a PDE5i, the vacuum device should be considered first-line treatment.”


The post Penis Pump Advantages appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.


Tuesday 17 July 2018

Are Penis Pumps Safe?

Medical Grade vacuum penis pumps are safe

Medical grade penis pumps are one of the most reliable and effective treatments available for erectile dysfunction.  When the FDA designated vacuum therapy as a class II medical device in 1982, then requiring a prescription from a physician to dispense the treatment, there was a little clinical experience to draw from.  The agency, as well as physicians and men considering the treatment, wanted to know in addition to effectiveness, are penis pumps dangerous? Are penis pumps Safe?


Can using a penis pump have any consequences on my health?


Medical penis pumps


With many years of clinical experience and over 800 published clinical studies in place, penis pumps are considered by many of the furthermost respected urologist and sexual health practitioners as not only the safest but one of the most reliable treatments for ED.  Most of the health consequences from using  Soma Therapy-ED are extremely positive! Positive results include, but are not limited to the following:


Penis Pump Side Effects


Side effects that occur from using a penis pump are usually negligible, mild or in many cases result from improper use of the device.  Risks to health have been recognized by the FDA and design features have been identified to minimize these risks.  This is one of the primary reasons to use a medical penis pump rather than a novelty device.   The following design features are recommended by the FDA to minimize the potential risk of injury to the user.



Design features for a Penis Pump


Manual Safety Mechanism – A vacuum device should include a manually operated mechanism to quickly release the vacuum pressure. The design should not include design features for extended continuous use.

Vacuum Level- Vacuum pumps typically draw a vacuum of fewer than 17 inches of mercury.  If the vacuum range of a new device differs substantially for that specification, manufacturers should conduct studies to establish the acceptability of the vacuum drawn by their device.  The manufacturer should perform tests to verify the maximum vacuum level. The device should include an automatic safety valve to limit vacuum pressure to safe levels.

Shape and Surface Design- Vacuum pumps should have smooth surfaces and shapes.  Vacuum pumps should not include design features that promote extended application and use of the device beyond the limited time needed to draw a vacuum and to create an erection.

Electrical Safety – An electrically powered vacuum device should have adequate electrical isolation between the user and the power source of the device. The device leakage current should not exceed a safe limit according to the standard IEC 60601 1, Medical Electrical Equipment – Part 1: General Requirements for Safety (General).


Design Features for Constriction Rings


Manual Safety Release Mechanism – The device should have a simple and quick method to manually release the device. Quick release mechanisms for constrictive devices should include a sufficiently wide tab, handle, loop, or other means for the user to eliminate continued application of constrictive pressure and remove the device. The design should not include design features for extended continuous use.

Pliable Materials – The materials used in constriction rings should minimize the potential for injury to the user or partner by using soft and pliable materials. The materials used should not cause adverse tissue reaction with respect to cytotoxicity, sensitization, or irritation. 

Shape and Surface Design – Constriction rings should include a smooth shape and surface design to minimize protrusions and pressure points to the user and partner. Constriction rings should avoid design features that promote the use of the device beyond 30 minutes.


Are Penis Pumps Harmful?


The following warnings should be considered before using a penis pump:

  • stop using the vacuum pump if you experience any pain.
  • do not use under the influence of alcohol or drugs, since such use may impair the user’s judgment and increase the risk of injury to the penis.
  • do not use if the user has sickle cell disease, has a history of prolonged erections, or is taking large quantities of aspirin or other blood thinners, as these conditions increase the risk of bruising and hematoma.
  • misuse of the vacuum pump could injure the penis.  Attempting to apply excess vacuum for the purposes of penis enlargement is an example of misuse.


Best Penis Pump Results 


In order to handle the most common issues that can be easily overcome with practice and technique speak with an Augusta Medical Systems technical trainer and/or consider the following:


No erection


Likely cause – No vacuum because of air leak caused by poor seal.

Remedy– Use more lubricant; apply firm pressure to the body; trim pubic hair; check device for air leaks.

Comments – Problem is most often associated with inexperience; it resolves as you become more adept at using the device.


Partial erection


Likely cause – Incorrect cylinder size; incorrect insert or seal ring size; not enough practice sessions.

Remedy – More practice using the device; use a larger cylinder insert.

Comments – Problem most often improves with continued use of the device.


Rapid loss of erection


Likely cause – Vacuum lost because of air leak from faulty equipment, poor seal, inadequate lubrication, or excessive pubic hair.

Remedy – Same as for “No erection.” Also: use smaller cylinder insert; use smaller or double tension rings; remove tension band carefully.

Comments – Requires that you experiment with varying sizes of seal rings, inserts, and tension bands.


Delayed loss of erection


Likely cause – Insufficient tension from bands or rings.

Remedy – Use smaller or combination of tension rings or bands; use the two-step application method (call Augusta Medical Systems customer support about this)

Comments – Requires that you experiment with various tension bands.


Pulling of the skin of the scrotum


Likely cause – Lubricant on scrotum; improper pumping technique; too large insert or seal ring; inexperience with the system.

Remedy – Remove lubricant from scrotum; use a smaller insert or seal ring; use the modified pumping technique; continue with practice sessions; angle cylinder
downward during pumping.

Comments – Problem should disappear as you become more adept at using the device.


Discomfort during pumping

Likely cause – Too rapid pumping; pulling of scrotal tissue.

Remedy – Slower pumping; continue to use the device.

Comments – Problem usually resolves as you become more adept at using the device.


Discomfort from tension ring


Likely cause – Tension ring too small; Anxiety.

Remedy – Use a larger tension ring; continue to use the device.

Comments – Problem usually resolves as you continue to use the device.


Discomfort during intercourse


Likely cause – Inadequate lubrication; pressure on a sensitive area.

Remedy – More lubrication; position changes.

Comments – Problem may disappear as you become more adept at using the device.


Discomfort during ejaculation


Likely cause – Long period of abstinence; infection or inflammation of the prostate gland.

Remedy – Continue to use the device.

Comments – Problem usually resolves as you become more adept at using the device.


Redness, irritation, or bruising


Likely cause – Too rapid pumping; overpumping.

Remedy – Slower pumping; fewer pumps.

Comments – Consult your physician if this problem persists past the first few practice sessions.


Penis feels cold (to you or your partner)


Likely cause – Constriction of blood flow to the penis; lubrication.

Remedy – Wash off lubricant or warm lubricant before use.

Comments – Consider trying Zestra.


Why purchase from Augusta Medical Systems?


Augusta Medical Systems products have been prescribed widely by physicians around the world.  you can now buy directly from the manufacturer without a prescription! Don’t settle for less, buy the best!

The post Are Penis Pumps Safe? appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.


Thursday 12 July 2018

What are the benefits of an Electric Penis Pump?

electric penis pump

The term “electric penis pump” has an illuminating quality.  Expressions such as electric billboard or electric lightbulb might elicit a more rational use of a multi-word term starting with the word “electric” in most of our minds. 

So, an electric penis pump sounds as if it could be a sci-fi creation or perhaps a bionic penile implant.  The truth is not quite as mysterious, so what are the benefits of an electric penis pump?  What is an electric penis pump?

Using a penis pump


A penis pump is used to treat erectile dysfunction. Using a penis pump is a simple process which requires creating negative pressure or vacuum in a cylinder placed around your penis. 

The pressure must drop in the cylinder which pulls blood flow from the body into your flaccid penis to fill the void left as negative pressure is removed from the cylinder by the pumping mechanism. Blood flow created in a vacuum within a cylinder is what creates penile rigidity and increases penis size.  In order to draw air out of the cylinder, a pumping mechanism is required.  


Electric penis pump


AMS Battery Negative Pressure Device

The term electric penis pump refers to the pumping mechanism attached to the cylinder.  For the Augusta Medical Systems product line, as well as others, the electric penis pump is simply a battery-operated device activated by a button.

The vacuum head is attached to the cylinder and the battery-operated vacuum head pulls air from the cylinder when the button is pushed. It is simple to use and effective.




Manual penis pump


AMS Manual Negative Pressure Device

A manual penis pump is a vacuum head that is activated via a lever that must be squeezed or a push-pull activity that requires some motion to activate the vacuum pump.  Augusta Medical systems has created a technology known as the ultra-ease™ mechanism for the manual penis pump. 

The ultra-ease™ mechanism works within the lever and ensures that as vacuum pressure is created in the cylinder the amount of force exerted on the lever does not change or need to be increased. 

Other manual vacuum therapy devices require additional force as negative pressure builds up in the cylinder.  One finger is all that it takes to operate the vacuum pump, making Soma Therapy very simply exceptional to use compared to other vacuum penis pumps.


Electric penis pumps advantages


The original battery-operated penis pumps were created for very specific men with very unique needs.  Men who have arthritis or some other medical condition which makes use of the hands difficult find the battery-operated device easier to use.  Spinal cord patients frequently use vacuum therapy to treat erectile dysfunction and often these men and their partners find the electric penis pump advantageous.

Others like the simplicity and convenience of high-quality products that are simple to use and gravitate to using the battery operated or electric penis pump. Often preference dictates the decision to use the powered vacuum head.

Electric or battery-operated devices have become very popular and men without the medical conditions for which these products were designed, buy and use them every day. As a matter of fact, Augusta Medical Systems is the only manufacturer that offers a lifetime warranty option for battery operated devices at the time of this article.  The high quality and superior design of Augusta Medical Systems products allows for this option. 


Electric penis pump disadvantages


The electrical or battery-operated penis pump is typically an added expense.  This is still minimal compared to other treatment options but a consideration nonetheless.  Men who have used both the manual and battery-operated vacuum head seem to have a common opinion after comparing one to the other.

Men tend to feel that using the manual device allows them more control over the process of creating an erection. Part art and simple science, the Ultra Ease™ mechanism combined with practice is a great substitute for the battery-operated device. For many men who choose our manual device over a battery-operated, the Ultra Ease™ mechanism is the reason why.


Penis enlargement pumps


Electric penis enlargement pumps seem to be a very popular online adult novelty product.  Many seem to tout high-powered battery operated electrical pump heads as superior products.  It is very important to greet these claims and advertisements with extreme skepticism.

Not only unproven and without any real evidence that penis size is permanently enhanced using a penis pump, pulling excessive vacuum is known to rupture or harm blood vessels in the penis. The FDA has sanctioned no approved claim for penis enlargement using a penis pump.


Medical Grade Vacuum Device


Medical Grade vacuum device


Design features specified by the FDA are very precise around the recommended amount of vacuum that can be pulled safely using a vacuum pump.  17 inches of mercury is the maximum vacuum considered safe. This is not for extended use either. This is an important reason to stay away from electric penis enlargement pumps.


Risks to health when men attempt to apply vacuum pressure to the penis for permanent male enhancement or penile enlargement as specified in Class II Special Controls Document issued on December 28, 2004, may include bruising or rupturing of blood vessels within the penis or scrotum, resulting in petechiae, hemorrhage, or the formation of a hematoma.


Penis size


Many reports of permanent penis enlargement using a penis pump can be easily explained.  Men who post comments on blogs or post testimonials attesting to permanent increases in size may have experience penile rehabilitation and a return to full erectile capacity rather than permanent penile enlargement.  It is well documented that the absence of regular erections can result in penile atrophy, programmed cell death and loss of penile length.  The regular creation of erections using a penis pump is thought to rehabilitation tissues and restore penile health and return full penile rigidity.  This is not penile enlargement but possibly penile rehabilitation.  Erections create penile health.



The post What are the benefits of an Electric Penis Pump? appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.
