Tuesday 27 March 2018

How does a penis pump work better than prescription sex pills?

Sex pillsPrescription medications are practically an essential part of modern life.  According to available statistics people in the United States spent 360.1 Billion dollars on prescription drugs in 2017.  Our familiarity with pill taking is so ingrained in our collective and individual behavior, that taking medications is not second nature, it is our first nature.

We intuitively turn to medications to provide, if not the best, the primary or easiest solution to most medical issues. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 76.2 % of office visits to physicians in 2016 involved drug therapy. We are a society of pill takers.

Furthermore, the relationship between pill taking and sex is especially significant for baby-boomers.

When baby-boomers championed social change, individual freedoms and launched the sexual revolution in the 1960’s, campaigns by people like Estelle Griswold went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, where on June 7, 1965, it was ruled that under the First Amendment, it was not the business of the government to dictate the usage of contraception by married couples.

Personal and sexual freedoms were built largely around a medication that empowered women to separate having sex from child birth, the pill. Birth control medications have given women control of their bodies and destinies.

 Sex Pills ViagraAs baby boomers began to age and were told in masses to “remember the good years” and accept erectile dysfunction or impotence as a normal part of aging, the promise of renewed youth and a second sexual revolution began. Pfizer sold one billion dollars-worth of Viagra its first year on the market. 

Once again, the generation that made individual and sexual freedom it’s mantra had another tool to navigate their sexual future and take control of their quality of life.

Is it any wonder that prescribing physicians and men seeking to reclaim the loss of their sexual life look to prescription sex pills as the first step treatment for erectile dysfunction? Are ED medications truly the best way to treat erectile dysfunction? So how does a penis pump work better than ED medications? Does familiarity with pills equal the effectiveness of a device?

What parameters can be used to compare prescription sex pills to a penis pump? What aspects of medical interventions are important to the couples who use them and live with the results of their choice in erectile dysfunction treatment.

ED solutions can be considered by how they fit into the following categories:


Spontaneous Sex


For the purpose of our comparison, spontaneous sex means the amount of premeditation and planning necessary to engage in sexual intercourse compared to the instantaneous following of a natural tendency.


Viagra becomes effective about 30 minutes after taking it, you then can achieve an erection during a 2 to 3 hour window before it wears off. Levitra becomes effective in also 30 minutes and will leave your system in around 5 hours. Cialis likewise will take effect in 30 minutes but can remain in the system for up to 36 hours. According to Mist Pharmaceuticals, LLC who supplies  Stendra it can start doing its thing in as little as 15 minutes, and its effects last up to 6 hours.


Assuming you have learned to use a penis pump and the desire for sex is in close proximity to your device, you can achieve a full erection 2-3 minutes after spending 3-5 minutes retrieving it from storage.  It could require as little as 5-10 minutes to become intimate following an unplanned natural tendency or impulse for sexual intimacy.


It might be said that couples who are married or cohabitate tend to engage in sexual activity in their home. In these cases, a penis pump could be more spontaneous than oral ED medications. This definition of spontaneity is solely based on an urge for unplanned sexual intimacy and the time necessary to consummate the desire. 


For singles who are planning to spend windows of time together as couples the opposite could be said to be true, so long as they have planned to have sexual intimacy well in advance.


You will have to answer the question of how planning is related to spontaneity based on your own definition and lifestyle.




Oral ED medications are made up of various pharmaceuticals and other ingredients.  When an oral medication is ingested, the total body is affected by the ingested drug.  This is because what is ingested orally enters into the circulatory system.  This is called systemic administration.


Penis pumps are non-invasive or external. No pills, no needles, no surgery means that no foreign substances enter the blood stream or circulate through the body when using a penis pump.  In terms of penis blood flow external vacuum pressure is used to facilitate penile engorgement.  No medical intervention compares to this natural method of how to increase blood flow to the penis as a penis pump.




Certain men do not achieve erections from prescription sex pills.  Often an underlying medical condition might preclude a man from effectively using Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra.  According to Michael Castleman M.A.  who has reviewed 14 studies involving 18,337 men success rates of prescription sex pills are around 50%.


Few men over 50 have tried erection drugs, and only half refill prescriptions.  So, while manufacturers claim 70% of men see improvements from prescription sex pills, refill rates don’t support the claim.


ED medications do not always behave in the same manner each time you take them. They make take longer to be effective if you have eaten a large meal. Another factor that impacts predictability is the natural build-up of tolerance to medications over time.  Viagra tolerence, occurs when the body builds up a tolerance to the drug.  Often in these cases higher dosages of the ED medication must be administered to achieve the same results. 


A clinical study published in the Journal of Urology suggests that higher dosages taken as drug tolerance builds may increase the probability of priapism, or a prolonged erection that is persistent and painful.


Once you spend a little time training yourself to properly use a penis pump, the results are easy to replicate with a high level of consistency. The results do not change based on your food intake.  There is no drug tolerance, so the effects will not change, lessen or quit working overtime.


The results with a penis pump are extremely predictable!




The primary reason that the penis pump is considered the preferred method of penile rehabilitation and used in restoring natural erectile function, is control.  For men who have undergone prostate cancer or are recovering from a radical prostatectomy, it is the amount of control a penis pump has over erectile function that is desirable.


The ability to create and release erections on demand makes the penis pump the medical intervention that gives men more control over erectile function than any ED medication. 


Once a man has made a decision to ingest an oral ED medication he hopes he is able to control whether or not his partner remains interested in sexual intercourse.  He can control whether or not to answer the door if there is a knock, or pick up a ringing phone.  But otherwise he has lost control of most aspects of when, if, or how the drug will work.




The cost of Soma Therapy-ED when purchased directly from the manufacturer starts at $ 199.00.  You might spend an additional $ 75-100 for tension systems and lubricant over the course of a year with regular and consistent use.


Prescription oral medications vary in range of costs. Insurance no longer covers the cost of prescription oral ED medications and according to CBS News the average cost is $ 50.00 per pill.  A 40-year study that surveyed more than 30,000 Americans, found in 2015 that couples who have sex once a week are the happiest.


Based on having sex once a week the cost of a penis pump is covered in one month of pill taking. A couple using an oral ED medication can spend $ 2,600.00 a year. This is considerably more expensive than a couple of hundred dollars, especially if you are on a fixed income.


A penis pump is much more affordable than any other effective ED treatment!


Physician/Rx requirements


  • Oral medications require a visit with your physician and obtaining a prescription.


  • Medical grade penis pumps are available without prescription and can be purchased directly from the manufacturer.

The post How does a penis pump work better than prescription sex pills? appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.

source https://www.augustams.com/penis-pump-work-better-than-prescription-sex-pills/

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Best Penis Pump Results

Clinical education on best penis pump

For over the past 35 years we have worked directly with prescribing physicians, product users, and clinical educators around the world to manufacture, define and re-define the best penis pump.  Through the years, multiple new technologies created by the founders of Augusta Medical Systems have produced the following brands:




What is a penis pump


A penis pump is a class II medical device described by the FDA as an External Penile rigidity device.  These devices are also known as vacuum erection devices, a negative pressure device, erectile dysfunction pumps, vacuum constriction devices or a vacuum therapy device. They are used to create penile rigidity and maintain an erection. 

The following components are assembled to create a penis pump:


 Vacuum HeadVacuum Head

The specially designed lever can be activated with one finger for effortless creation of a vacuum or negative pressure.  It is called the Ultra Ease™ lever.  The vacuum head is used to create a vacuum.

The black button featured on the back of the vacuum head is a release button which instantly releases all vacuum in the cylinder.     

The AMS Battery Negative Pressure Device is available for men who want to create a vacuum with the touch of a button.



Penis Pump Cylinders Cylinder

The flaccid penis is inserted into the cylinder(s) and vacuum creates an erection.  Five cylinders are available to accommodate anatomical differences that naturally exist from man to man.  The Soma Therapy OTC Manual system and the Soma Therapy OTC – Premium both come with the most commonly used cylinder. SOMAerectStf and SOMAerectStf Plus are products that come with 3 interlocking cylinders.  Additional cylinders are available via special order. Utilizing the cylinder that will most closely match your fully engorged erection allows for the most efficient use of vacuum and easy creation of full penile rigidity.  The unique Stf product line utilizes one of a kind technology and excels in vacuum efficiency!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Tension system for penis pumpTension System or Rings

Used to hold or maintain an erection. The precise balance of tension and comfort is necessary to comfortably maintain an erection.  The SureFit™ collection of tension systems comes with each vacuum therapy device.  In addition to the SureFit™ collection the following comprehensive selection is available:


SureEase Ultra

SureEase Comfort






Comfort Inserts for Penis Pump

Comfort Inserts

Soft adjustable inserts fit on the end of the cylinder.  Comfort inserts also modify the diameter of the cylinder to further customize the cylinder for a snug and secure fit against the body when applying the device.






 SomaTherapy-ED® LubricantSomaTherapy-ED Lubricant

Specially developed for Augusta Medical Systems vacuum therapy systems.  To ensure optimal performance in achieving an erection.







How to use a penis pump


Erectile Dysfunction Pump containing flaccid penis

Place the flaccid penis in the cylinder.






Cock Ring is moved from erectile dysfunction pump to erect penis Squeeze the lever 3-5 times, wait 10-15 seconds, repeat the process until the penis is fully engorged.






cock Ring on erect penis released by pulling tabs Once you have achieved a full erection, slide the tension system to the base of the penis, maintaining the erection while removing the cylinder.






You can maintain full penile rigidity for up to 30 minutes before pulling the tabs on the tension system to release the erection. You must wait 60 minutes before re-applying the device.


Best Penis Pumps


SomaerectStfSuperior product performance, unequaled quality standards, and well thought-through design all make for a first-rate user experience and successful treatment outcomes. A commitment to continuous product improvement has evolved to create the finest medical penis pump products, known as the SOMA product line.

Physicians prescribe and continue to refer Soma Therapy-ED products to their patients on a daily basis to treat erectile dysfunction around the globe. Before Medicare discontinued coverage of the penis pump in the United States a.k.a as the vacuum erection device or erectile dysfunction pump in 2015, prescriptions were necessary for Medicare and private insurance reimbursement which has now all but disappeared. 

Urologist at the following institutions have referred or prescribed Soma Therapy-ED:

* Prescriptions are not endorsements, none of the above intuitions are endorsing Augusta Medical Systems or Soma Therapy-ED


How to make a penis pump


Subject to the September 10, 1997, FDA policy modificationsPenile Rigidity Devices manufactured for sexual pleasure do not have to register or be listed with the FDA as long as their products “do not make medical claims.”  Those manufacturers who do not list with the FDA, are not routinely inspected for Good Manufacturing Practices and the Quality System Regulation required by the FDA for a medical device, thus they are flying under the radar.


Prior to 1997, all penis pumps were dispensed by prescription only and required to strictly adhere to good manufacturing practices and the quality system regulation. The former prescription provision required all devices and the manufactures that produced them to submit to audits of their devices and quality systems.  Strict adherence to design features and labeling claims are in place to prevent risks to the health of men who use these types of products. Augusta Medical is a medical device manufacturer that continues to follow FDA guidance.


It is now difficult for men to differentiate between medical devices and sex toys.  On-line sites don’t do much to help direct men toward medical devices and away from toys.


Top Rated Penis Pumps


Finding reliable unbiased ratings of penis pump products online is difficult.  Medical professionals who prescribe these products don’t normally participate in comprehensive product ratings.  Augusta Medical Systems is a US manufacturer that distributes its products by physician referral and/or prescription.  Otherwise, you can buy directly from Augusta Medical Systems.


Affiliate marketing sites or one-line retailers are typically third parties that use product ratings as a popular way to give high ratings to the products that they earn the highest commissions on.  Examples of sites that rate penis pumps are:



Does a Penis Pump Work?


The FDA clears medical penis pumps for two primary labeling or marketing claims:

  1. To create penile rigidity
  2. For use in penile rehabilitation


Do penis pumps actually work?

When a novelty product or sex toy begins to make medical claims and venture outside of the intent of the 1997 FDA ruling, with claims such as treating erectile dysfunction, then they may be making unapproved claims which are in violation of the FDA. Penile enlargement claims are the most common unapproved claim. The MegaVac system is an example of a product that made penile enlargement claims.  Over-promising and under-delivering has become common in the market for penis pumps.  As soon as you see unapproved claims that are in fact medical, buyer beware!

The following medical claims associated with a penis pump in the United States are not backed up by science and depending on the context of the claim may in-fact violate FDA guidelines:



Are penis pumps safe?


Penis enlargement pumps may intentionally or unintentionally encourage a user to over pump to gain penile length. The FDA lists the following warning that can be directly related to over-pumping.

FDA Precautions

Device use may bruise or rupture the blood vessels within the penis or scrotum, resulting in petechiae (a small purplish spot on a body surface, such as the skin or a mucous membrane, caused by a minute hemorrhage), hemorrhage (flow of blood from ruptured blood vessels), or the formation of a hematoma (localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel).

Devices that meet FDA design features have a manual safety release mechanism.  Further, FDA design features mandate that vacuum pumps draw a vacuum of fewer than 17 inches of mercury.  This also can prevent damage to the penis caused by over-pumping.


Please don’t attempt to over-pump, it can be dangerous to your health!


Don’t waste your time and money on a sex toy or inferior vacuum erection device.  You can buy directly from the manufacturer and have Soma Therapy-ED shipped discreetly to your home!


The post Best Penis Pump Results appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.

source https://www.augustams.com/best-penis-pump-results/

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Male enhancement pills side effects

Male enhancement pills clinical studies

Pfizer laboratories accidently created the market for sex enhancement pills in the 1990’s.  While working with an experimental drug to reduce blood pressure, men participating in clinical trials began having erections. The 1998 by-product of this discovery ushered in a modern day sexual revolutionPrescription drugs for erectile dysfunction were an overnight success and have since become a multi-billion-dollar business.  One can’t live in the modern world and not be acutely aware of the little blue pill that changed the world, Viagra.

Eli Lilly, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline and Schering-Plough , just to name a few drug companies, jumped on the bandwagon created by Pfizer. They shadowed the newly opened regulatory path toward FDA approval for their own brand of prescription ED pill.  A new era of awareness around the best sex pills accompanied by billion-dollar marketing budgets has created unprecedented sexual health awareness and pills for sex. This wave of FDA approved blockbuster drugs has also given way to something a bit more sinister.

The success of the little blue pill started a shadow industry of over the counter sex enhancers.  How many times have you seen an advertisement for the best over the counter Viagra? According to the FDA, a wave of unregulated male enhancement supplements , many marketed as having natural ingredients, has been thrust upon the public. “Even a cautious consumer can’t tell that these products are, in fact, tainted with undisclosed drug ingredients, because their labels do not list the potentially hazardous ingredients,” says M. Daniel Dos Santos, Pharm.D., Ph.D., of FDA’s Division of Dietary Supplement Programs. 


Sex Enhancement Pills


sex enhancement pills and the FDA

With so many unregulated nutraceuticals, many laced with prescription drugs, unapproved by the food and drug administration, the common side effects of taking FDA approved drugs for ED don’t get the attention they deserve. It is becoming more difficult for men looking for ED solutions to tell the fact from the fiction. Around every corner a new familiar looking product promises natural male enhancement or is advertised as a penis enlargement pill.  Meanwhile no reliable science substantiates any of these claims.


Advertisements during every sporting event known to man depict blissful relationships and happy carefree couples skipping off into the sunset after digesting pde5 inhibitors.  Meanwhile, men considering advertised oral drugs for ED require a magnifying glass and speed reading skills to fully grasp common side effects.


Side effects of Viagra


Side Effects of Viagra

It is well known that the Viagra and other forms of sildenafil usually produce firm erections for healthy men.  For the time being, many men who are diabetic, recovering from prostate cancer or suffering from severe forms of metabolic syndrome report low levels of satisfaction with oral drugs for erectile dysfunction. Of those men who do experience erections sufficient for sexual intercourse some report side effects from Viagra, the most serious of which are:


While these occurrences are not common.  Common side effects such as:

Are widely reported by men who can achieve erections while using Viagra but discontinue use of the drug because the side effects are intolerable.

source https://www.augustams.com/male-enhancement-pills-side-effects/

Saturday 10 March 2018

Sex after Prostate Cancer

Sex after Prostate is something couples are interested in

The prospects of Surviving prostate cancer have never been better. Due to advances in the  Treatment for prostate cancer and awareness around the need for men over the age of 50 to participate in annual screening for prostate cancer, the 5-year survival rate for most men with local and regional stage prostate cancer is almost 100%. With successful treatment outcomes so high it is natural that men and their partners want to understand what to expect from sex after prostate cancer.


Side effects of prostate cancer


Side effects of Prostate cancer treatment typically depend in great part on how the cancer is treated.  In general, depending on treatment choice, the following side effects may be expected after treatment for prostate cancer:


How is Prostate Cancer Treated?


Beyond how prostate cancer is treated, other variables determine if known side-effects materialize and how severe the occurrences are. Not every man will either avoid or have a guaranteed side effect based solely on a treatment regimen.  Any number of the following factors may determine prostate cancer recovery:



Prostate cancer treatments and side effects


Prostate cancer treatments and side effects for men's care

Prostate cancer treatments and side effects were evaluated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) who started a health-related steering Committee.  The board was established to identify side effects from different prostate cancer treatments and make recommendations regarding a core set of patient-reported symptoms and health-related quality of life treatment outcomes. The committee consisted of Physicians, researchers, and patient advocates. 

A methodical literature review initially consisted of 1164 articles, 295 articles were disqualified for lack of prostate cancer data, 555 studies were rejected because they had less than 200 patients, 165 papers were then excluded because pre-treatment data was not studied, 72 studies were struck for being a single institute study and 77 clinical studies were used for critical review which provided the basis for observations by the NCI committee.

The Journal of the National Cancer Institute  published their findings in a study titled “Recommended Patient-Reported Core Set of Symptoms to Measure in Prostate Cancer Treatment Trials.”


sex after prostate surgery


At a minimum you can expect some reduction in the ability to keep an erection after surgery.

Your ability to have an erection after surgery depends:

  • on your age;
  • your ability to get an erection before the operation;
  • whether the nerves were cut or merely handled in the procedure;

Nerve sparing prostatectomy surgical procedures are intended to preserve the soft tissue around the prostate and prevent the surgical procedure from leaving a potent man with erectile dysfunction.

Despite going through this type of procedure many men still have erectile dysfunction. One study found that one year after prostatectomy, 66 percent of men experienced erectile dysfunction after having a nerve-sparing procedure versus 75 percent who did not have nerve-sparing surgery.


Sex after prostate radiation therapy


Radiation treatment of the prostate is described as external or internal. internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy), is a procedure in which radioactive seeds are implanted into the prostate.  External-beam radiotherapy is a procedure in which a machine is used to aim high-energy rays from outside the body into the tumor with radiation therapy.  Both procedures are known to produce significantly high cases of erectile dysfunction.


Sex after brachytherapy prostate cancer


According to a study published in the Journal ONCOLOGY approximately 50% of men who undergo brachytherapy experience erectile dysfunction within 5 years of implantation. Several factors including pre-implant potency, patient age, the use of supplemental external-beam irradiation, radiation dose to the prostate gland, radiation dose to the bulb of the penis, and diabetes mellitus which appears to exacerbate brachytherapy related erectile dysfunction.  Many clinical studies cite even higher rates of erectile dysfunction following brachytherapy, some less.


Sex after external radiotherapy treatment


A clinical study titled Sexual function after external-beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer: What do we know? Published in Critical Oncology and Hematology  summarizes data on the etiology of erectile dysfunction after external-beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer going back 40 years. In summary 60-70% of men experience post radiation ED.


Sex after cryotherapy


Cryotherapy is a process of freezing prostate cancer cells to kill them. Freezing usually damages nerves that are responsible for erections. In fact, as many as 90% of men who experience cryosurgery leave the procedure with erectile dysfunction.  Erectile dysfunction is the most commonly reported side effect of cryotherapy for prostate cancer.


Sexual dysfunction disorders


Sexual dysfunction disorders


In addition to the ability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for intercourse the following sexual dysfunction disorders are also common in men who have experienced radiotherapy treatment for the prostate:


Ejaculation and prostate cancer


A radical prostatectomy is a surgical procedure that completely removes the prostate.  Sex after prostate removal is going to be different. Orgasm after prostate surgery does not consist of ejaculation. There is no ejaculation after a radical prostatectomy because the prostate which makes the semen has been removed.  With the prostate gone, there is no semen and fluid build-up in the urethral, this is also known as a dry ejaculation. Most men report that orgasms can be satisfying, just somewhat different.


Side effects of hormone therapy for prostate cancer


Sexual side effects are very common after hormone therapy for prostate cancer.  Erectile dysfunction often develops over time if not experienced initially.  Loss of interest in sex is one of the most typical side effects of men who utilize hormone therapy.


Can you have sex after prostate cancer?


Depending upon your age, your erectile function before being diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer, how far the cancer has progressed, and the treatment employed to remove the cancer it is possible that you will be able to achieve natural erectile function post treatment.


Even with a focus on preventing erectile dysfunction and related sexual dysfunction issues, the chances that medical interventions will be necessary to have sex after treating prostate cancer is greater than 50%.  It then becomes a question of which medical interventions you are a candidate for.  The following medical interventions are available:



Erectile Dysfunction Exercises


erectile dysfunction exercises


Erectile dysfunction exercises also known as penile rehabilitation is frequently recommended after surgery.  Nerves can take as little as six to nine months to heal or sometimes up to several years after surgery. During the period in which severed nerves heal known as neuropraxia you will not be able to achieve erections. 


Using a medical intervention to create erections and mimic the healthful benefits of nocturnal erections directly after prostate surgery will increase blood flow to the penis.  This is thought to significantly improve your probability of regaining spontaneous erections and normal erectile function.


The two most reliable medical interventions following prostate cancer procedures for the treatment of erectile dysfunction are surgical implants and external penis pumps.  A penis pump is considered as the first-line treatment of choice for penile rehabilitation by many physicians. So, it may make sense to start with an Augusta Medical Systems vacuum therapy device.  You can purchase directly from the manufacturer without a prescription!

source https://www.augustams.com/sex-after-prostate-cancer/