Friday 26 January 2018

Do penis enlargement pumps work?

penis enlargement does not work the universe expands

Penis enlargement pumps are easy to find on-line. As popular as the advertisements, the number of search query’s asking the question “do penis enlargement pumps work?” might be more numerous than the buying options. We can cut straight to the truth on this, a penis pump will work to enlarge the penis!

Please don’t read too much into this statement, because the facts around “do penis enlargement pumps work” are limited to specific circumstances. Penis pumps create penile rigidity of a flaccid or non-erect penis. In addition, penis pumps frequently are applied to partial erections to create full penile rigidity.


Do penis enlargement pumps really work?


Truth about penile enlargement


To quote author Michael Scott “At the heart of every legend there is a grain of truth.” A penis pump will enhance or enlarge a flaccid or non-erect penis. When applied correctly a penis pump will allow a man to achieve his fullest natural erection and maintain it with a tension system or penis ring.

Increasing the length, width, or girth, beyond the natural capacity of the penis is not an approved FDA claim and is outside of effective and safe expectations for using erectile dysfunction pumps.


Perceived enlarged penis size from using a penis pump


Some men perceive that a penis pump will enlarge the penis

In the absence of regular erections due to ED the penis can shrink. Many scientist believe a lack of nocturnal erections every 24-hours can lead to the absence of blood flow, which can cause penile shrinkage, programmed cell death, and penile atrophy. The adage “use it or lose it” has real scientific merit.

Men who are undergoing penile shrinkage, may not have experienced a full natural erection in many years. From the perspective of these men, it’s understandable that one might believe that a penis pump has enlarged their penis beyond what is natural. We receive reports on a routine basis from men who claim their penises are larger after using Soma Therapy-ED.

In these cases, regular and proper use of a penis pump can restore full erections that have been lost over time. The perception that the use of a penis pump has enlarged the penis beyond natural size has no scientific merits. What is more accurate are the comments of men who make proclamations like “I haven’t achieved an erection this firm since I was in my twenty’s.”


How to use a penis pump


When correctly applying vacuum or negative pressure to the penis, the FDA provides guidance on the maximum amount of pressure that should be safely used to create an erection. Design features for medical penis pumps are specified to ensure effective devices and prevent injury.

Manual safety mechanisms are FDA required to quickly release vacuum pressure and limit the amount of force that can be created.

Medical penis pumps should draw no more than 16.5 to 17 inches of mercury. Testing procedures by medical device manufacturers should be conducted and recorded as part of a quality system on pump heads released into production.

  • Stop using the vacuum pump if pain occurs
  • misuse of the vacuum pump could injure the penis
  • apply only the minimum amount of pressure necessary to achieve an erection; excessive vacuum pressure may bruise the penis
  • misuse of a vacuum pump may bruise or rupture the blood vessels within penis or scrotum, resulting in petechiae, hemorrhage, or the formation of a hematoma.


Best penis enlargement methods are non-existent


Best Penis enlargement methods are non-existent

Penis enlargement pumps that claim male enhancement results that make an erect penis bigger, or enlarge an already fully erect penis, should be viewed with extreme skepticism.  Michael O’Leary, MD, professor of urologic surgery at Harvard Medical School and a urologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston has this to say on the topic of penis enlargement; after more than a century of generally dubious and sometimes lunatic penis enlargement attempts, there’s still not much you can do.

Sure, there are lots and lots of supposed options out there – pills, creams, brutal stretching exercises, horrific-looking devices, and penis surgery. Almost none of it works. The few approaches that can work often have modest benefits and serious side effects. How serious? In some cases, erectile dysfunction-serious.

“Trust me, if I knew of a way to safely and effectively increase penis size, I’d be a billionaire,” O’Leary tells WebMD. “But I don’t. Nobody does.”


Do false self-perceptions spur interest in penile enlargement?


According to a study published in the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI), average length of a flaccid penis is 3.61 inches, the average length of an erect penis is 5.16 inches. Girth averages at 3.66 inches for a flaccid penis and 4.59 inches for an erect penis.


What is penile dysmorphic disorder?


Small penis anxiety (SPA) is a condition described in literature in men who are dissatisfied or excessively worried about their penis size which is in the normal range. The International Journal of Impotence research published a clinical study that concluded in most men seeking penile lengthening procedures that their penile length is normal.

The British Journal of Urology International found that 71.7% of men with small penis anxiety “seemed to be reassured about their normal penis size after a through explanation.” Many men mistakenly believe that average penis length is around 2 inches longer than what it is. When they learn otherwise, often men have more realistic self-expectations.


Depiction of penis size


Do Penis Pumps Work?


The use of a penis pump can enhance your penis to the extent that your fullest maximum natural erection can be produced on demand. The results are reliable, repeatable, predictable and controllable.

No ingestible or injectable drug gives you an equal amount of complete control of erectile function if you are achieving partial erections or have total ED.

With practice and regular use, you may be another man who believes that his penis is enlarged using SomaTherapy-ED when you achieve full natural erections similar to those of your youth.




The post Do penis enlargement pumps work? appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.


Saturday 13 January 2018

How to keep an erection if you have premature ejaculation

How to Keep an erection if you have premature ejaculation


What is considered premature ejaculation?


Premature ejaculation is a form of sexual dysfunction that typically afflicts men. There are varying opinions over whether or not to consider premature ejaculation a form of erectile dysfunction. Regardless of how the condition of PE is categorized, the symptoms of the condition are universal.  It occurs when a man experiences orgasm and expels semen with minimal penile stimulation soon after sexual activity begins, usually 30 seconds to 4 minutes into sex.  In some cases premature ejaculation can occur before sexual stimulation or contact between sexual partners takes place.


How common is premature ejaculation?


As many as 30% of men say they have experienced the condition at some point. When sexual partners are new to each other and beginning to learn each other’s body, premature ejaculation is more common.  PE is more prevalent in Young men. PE is still not uncommon in older and more experienced men.  The number of men who have been dealing with the issue their whole life is unknown and difficult to quantify.


How long does intercourse last on average?


How to Keep an erection if you have premature ejaculationThere are many diverse perceptions of how long sexual intimacy between couples normally does, or should, last prior to ejaculation.  The Journal of Sexual Medicine published an article on perceptions of normal and abnormal ejaculatory latencies.  The results of which framed adequate sexual latency into the following time frames:



Too short:   1-3 minutes

Desirable:   7-13 minutes

Too long:   10-30 minutes


It is worth noting that a 2015 clinical study based in Ghana had different results which are as follows:


Too short: 2-5 minutes

Desirable: 7-20.3 minutes

Too long:  10.5-60 minutes

This study is published in the European Journal of Medical Research.

So there seems to be different answers to the question “how long sexual intimacy lasts on average.”  Whether ethnic, cultural, or geographic differences explain disparity’s or simple inconsistent clinical data is at the root of these inconsistencies might make for lively debate.  However, the results of the two independent studies do have some similarities.


Premature ejaculation relationship problems


How to Keep an erection if you have premature ejaculation

Women’s perceptions of how premature ejaculation has impacted their relationships was the focus of a 2014 clinical study published in the Journal of sexual Medicine. The study highlights the detrimental effects of PE on relationships and sexual satisfaction in the female partner and how it can lead to the termination of the relationship.

Most notably, it is the first study to report that an important source of female distress was not parameters such as ejaculatory control or duration of sex, but rather a lack of attention or focus on other forms of sexual activity. It seems “It is not the short duration of the act of sexual intercourse that is the main source of frustration by the majority of women, but the fact that the man is focused too much on delaying ejaculation.  As a result, women feel their needs are ignored,” the study indicates.


What causes premature ejaculation problems?


There is no single cause.  While the condition was once considered as psychological, the medical community considers premature ejaculation to be more complex. Causes of premature ejaculation are not entirely quantifiable but can segmented into psychological and biological categories.


Psychological causes of premature ejaculation


  • Performance anxiety
  • Stress
  • Traumatic sexual experience
  • Depression
  • Guilty feelings about sexual encounters
  • Poor body image
  • Unresolved relationship problems
  • Worrying about premature ejaculation


Biological causes of premature ejaculation


  • Abnormal hormone levels
  • Imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain
  • Genetic traits
  • Infection or inflammation of prostate or urethra
  • Lifestyle choices
  • Nerve damage


Premature ejaculation solutions


How to Keep an erection if you have premature ejaculation


Effective treatments for premature ejaculation do exist.  They include behavioral techniques, exercises, training methods, oral medications, devices.   


Priligy dapoxetine – this drug is also a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and is widely used to treat depression.  It is approved by the FDA to treat premature ejaculation


Pelvic floor exercises for premature ejaculation – Weak pelvic floor muscles might impair your ability to delay ejaculation. Exercises can strengthen pelvic floor muscles.


Ways to stop premature ejaculation naturally – The “start-stop” and the “squeeze” techniques involve either stopping sexual stimulation before you feel you are about to ejaculation and starting again, or squeezing the penis in the area between the shaft and the head of the penis just before you are about to ejaculate to delay ejaculation.


Antidepressants premature ejaculation treatment – Lexapro, Zoloft, Paroxetine, are all selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and are known to delay orgasm in men as a side effect and can be prescribed off label to treat premature ejaculation.


Condoms for premature ejaculation have become available that contain Benzocaine (a numbing agent) in the tip with the intention of allowing men to last longer in the bed by desensitizing the penis to delay ejaculation.


Lidocaine for premature ejaculation is also a numbing agent that is recommended for application 20 minutes before sexual contact.


Viagra and premature ejaculation was studied in a 2005 clinical study.  The study concluded sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, increased confidence and the perception of ejaculatory control but didn’t delay ejaculation. The may be helpful in men who are afflicted with psychological causes of PE.


Premature ejaculation ring is a word of used to describe a tension system used with vacuum therapy.  This device allows men to maintain an erection after ejaculation.


How to Keep an erection if you have premature ejaculation


Tension systems are widely known to maintain erections after ejaculation.  If you have premature ejaculation and satisfying your partner is important, Augusta Medical Systems has developed the largest and most comprehensive select of tension systems available. 


The FDA recommends that it is safe to maintain an erection using a tension system up to 30 minutes.  Achieving a perfect blend of tension and comfort is necessary to effectively and comfortably maintain an erection after ejaculation. Because men have anatomical and medical differences, various designs, materials, and tensile strengths are the results of over 30 years of working with men.

The post How to keep an erection if you have premature ejaculation appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.


Business Name:
Augusta Medical Systems LLC
Keywords or tags:
Vacuum Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction, medical grade penis pump
Founded in 2004, Augusta Medical Systems is the leader in vacuum therapy technology. We are driven by a guiding principle to uphold a long-standing commitment to continually improve and refine vacuum erection systems.
Over forty years ago, Geddings Osbon applied his knowledge of vacuum pressure and mechanical processes to create the world’s first vacuum erection device (VED). He called it the Youth Equivalent Device (YED). More commonly know as a medical grade penis pump for erectile dysfunction. Today, Gedding’s family continues his innovative work.
The Augusta Medical Systems Advantage
The Soma Therapy-ED device from Augusta Medical Systems stands as the most advanced, technologically superior product of its kind. The best vacuum erection device available is the result of our unwavering focus on improvement. Unlike poorly designed and manufactured devices, the SomaTherapy-ED produces consistent and reliable outcomes for its users. With VEDs, quality design and construction are often the difference between success and disappointment.
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