Tuesday 28 November 2017

Why everyman with ED should have an external penile pump

Why everyman with ED should have an external penile pump

ED treatment alternatives are plentiful as 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 each day.  According to a study in the journal of sexual medicine detailing Medicare beneficiaries, 1,763,260 men were diagnosed with erectile dysfunction between 2001 and 2010.  Utilization of surgical procedures for the internal penis pump decreased from 4.6% in 2002 to 2.3% in 2010.


Why are some treatments gaining more popularity than others, and which ED treatment or treatments are best for you?


ED treatments


Why everyman with ED should have an external penile pump

Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are very visible through television advertisements. Meanwhile, men’s health clinics are setting up locations throughout the country and likely in your home town.  Many of these advertise testosterone replacement and penile injections as treatment for ED.


With so much focus on pills, patches, and injections, it seems that the penile prosthesis lacks visibility compared to other ED treatments.  What is a penile pump, and what does a penis pump do?


Penile Pump


There are two basic categories of penile pump, the internal and the external.  While both are categorized by the FDA as prosthetics, there are considerable differences between them.  The external is non-invasive and the penis pump implant requires a surgical procedure.


What does a penis pump do?


The internal penis pump is surgically implanted into the chamber of the penis and the prosthetic is either inflated or manually adjusted to create penile rigidity.  An external penis pump is placed around the penis and uses negative pressure to draw blood into the penis. Both achieve and maintain an erection.

Penis pumping is a term usually reserved for the external penis pump, however the inflatable internal penis pumps has a reservoir implanted in the scrotal tissue that can be squeezed or pumped to create penile rigidity.

Internal penis pumps are appropriate for the man who wishes to spend $ 10-30 thousand dollars to restore erectile function or achieve an erection and understands the potential risk of mechanical failure and infection.

External penis pumps cost between $ 199 – $ 399 and are also a reliable treatment for advanced erectile dysfunction. External penile pumps are over 90% effective.  Men who have a primary medical condition are great candidates for an external penis pump. 

Because of the its low cost, efficacy, and ability to create penile rigidity in combination with other ED treatments, it has value for everyman who experiences ED.

For men who no longer achieve nocturnal erections. If you are committed to penile health and would like to mimic the healthful benefits of nocturnal erections, you will find the external penile pump extremely effective at creating penile rigidity without drugs or surgery.

Are penis pumps safe?


The internal penis pump requires a surgical procedure.  Risks of penile implant surgery include infection, malfunction of the device, and in some cases an implant might stick to the skin inside the penis or wear away the skin from inside the penis.

Surgery is necessary to remove or replace a broken implant. 

However, an internal penis pump implant is effective and many thousands of successful surgical procedures are performed each year.

External penis pumps come with less health risks because surgical procedures are not required to use them effectively.  One must be careful to not over pump, remove the penis tension ring after 30 minutes, and be mindful that temporary bruising can occur if penis pumping is not done slowly or if the user is taking blood thinners.


Why everyman with ED should have an external penile pump


Clinical studies support using vacuum therapy also known as an external penis pump before surgical procedures to implant an internal penile pump for men with corporal fibrosis.  Pre-operative use of an external erectile dysfunction pump can also be used to increase the cylinder length of a surgically implanted internal penis pump.

It is also well known that men who have had an internal penis pump removed as part of salvation technique due to mechanical failure or infection often use an external penis pump effectively.

Men who achieve partial erections using oral ED medications that are insufficient for intercourse may further create penile rigidity in a manner that enhances erectile function through combined use of sildenafil and a vacuum erection device. So, you can use an external erection device along with or in addition to oral medications for ED to improve penile rigidity.

To offset the risk of penile fibrosis that can result from the use of penile injections, it is possible to reduce the number of penile injections.  This can be accomplished by alternating between use of an external erectile dysfunction pump and penile injections for sexual intercourse.


ED Solutions


An external erectile dysfunction pump has the unique distinction of supplementing other ED treatment modalities in very effective ways.


Use an external penile pump to improve erections while using oral medications.


By rotating between the use of penile injections and the external penis pump a man may reduce the side effect risk associated with repeated penile injections.


An external penile pump can be used to improve the outcome of internal penile pump surgery by preoperative use.  As well, it can be used effectively when internal penile pump removals occur.


If you have erectile dysfunction, other treatments may or may not be entirely effective own their own.  Medical grade external dysfunction pumps can be included in a multi-facet approach to treating erectile dysfunction. Given the ability of an external penile pump to work with other treatments, speak to your physician about this approach to ED solutions.




Why everyman with ED should have an external penile pump

Available now without a prescription!

The post Why everyman with ED should have an external penile pump appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.

source https://www.augustams.com/why-everyman-with-ed-should-have-an-external-penile-pump/

Wednesday 15 November 2017

What men should know about high blood pressure and Viagra

What men should know about High blood pressure and Viagra


What is the cause of high blood pressure?


High blood pressure, also known as hypertension is commonly referred to as the silent killer because it usually has no warning signs or symptoms. There is no single cause for the condition, yet it has a host of known risk factors.

What is “normal Blood Pressure?

A blood pressure reading has a top number (systolic) and bottom number (diastolic). The ranges have historically read as follows:

  • Normal: Less than 120 over 80 (120/80)
  • Prehypertension: 120-139 over 80-89
  • Stage 1 high blood pressure: 140-159 over 90-99
  • Stage 2 high blood pressure: 160 and above over 100 and above
  • High blood pressure in people over age 60: 150 and above over 90 and above


These guidelines were just changed November 13, 2017 by the American Heart Association.


What men should know about High blood pressure and Viagra



What this change means

The guidelines set new categories that get rid of “prehypertension” and effectively increases the number of Americans who are now categorized as having hypertension from 32% of adults to 46% of U.S. adults or 103.3 million people.

  • Normal: Under 120 over 80
  • Elevated: Top number 120-129 and bottom less than 80
  • Stage 1: Top of 130-139 or bottom of 80-89
  • Stage 2: Top at least 140 or bottom at least 90


Two categories of high blood pressure


  • Essential high blood pressure (primary high blood pressure) – no cause has been identified.
  • Secondary high blood pressure – the high blood pressure has an underlying cause, such as kidney disease, or a specific medication the patient is taking.


Risk factors for High blood pressure

  • Age
  • Family History
  • Outdoor Temperature
  • Ethnic Background
  • Obesity
  • Physical activity
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol intake
  • Salt intake
  • Mental Stress
  • Diabetes


Sex and high blood pressure


High blood pressure has long been known to increase risks of heart attack and stroke. It also impacts healthy sex lives and creates erectile dysfunction in men with the condition.

There are two primary ways in which high blood pressure can impact sexual function in men.

  1. The most direct way this occurs is through blood pressure lowering.  Less blood flow occurs when high cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is another word for build ups of fatty deposits, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin that clog arteries.This can translate to less blood flow to the penis, as erections are blood filling events this is a problem. Penile atherosclerosis is the medical term for plaque buildup and hardening of the arteries in the penis. However, this is less common in men with hypertension and more common in men with diabetes according to clinical studies.
  2. Blood pressure meds and ED are highly connected, this is the second, and without question the most common way high blood pressure can create erectile dysfunction. Beta blockers and diuretics that treat high blood pressure cause erection problems. This potentially shifts a quality of life problem to a life-threatening event. 

Some men purposely skip their blood pressure medications to have sex. Skipping medications to engage in sexual relations is both common and dangerous.

According to Hello Heart, 70% of men with side effects from blood pressure medications like impotence stop taking the medications. If you stop taking your blood pressure medications “cold turkey,” your blood pressure could actually sky rocket, putting you a risk for heart attack or stroke.  Work with your doctor on ways to lower your blood pressure without disrupting your sex life.


What men should know about High blood pressure and ViagraOtherwise it has been reported that having sex is good for your heart and many men who have high blood pressure experience a healthy sex life.  Speak to your physician if your medications are creating erectile dysfunction.  Alternative hypertensive medications may address side effects that include ED. 


Treatments for erectile dysfunction are also available when switching high blood pressure medications is not effective.  It’s important that ED medications and high blood pressure medications are safe when taken together. 


Does Viagra raise blood pressure?


Precautions around taking Viagra while taking medications to treat high blood pressure have led some men to ask, “does Viagra raise blood pressure?”  The answer to this is no.  Viagra is a PDE5 inhibitor which reduces blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. 

What men should know about High blood pressure and Viagra



Taking Viagra becomes a problem if you also are consuming a medication that lowers blood pressure.  By taking Viagra with a blood pressure medication, you could cause a significant drop in your body’s blood pressure to dangerously low levels very quickly.  This comes with a host of negative and dangerous side effects.

The active ingredient in Viagra is sildenafil citrate, which is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor.  Originally British scientist tested sildenafil citrate as a medication to treat high blood pressure in 1989. By the 1990s in early trials of the drug, researchers noticed an interesting side effect, an increase in erections.


Blood pressure meds and ED


There is no substitute for working with your physician to determine which blood pressure medications cause ED.  Medline Plus lists over 25 high blood pressure medications linked to erectile dysfunction as well as 75 other medication that are also linked to impotence. Diuretics and beta blockers are the most common high blood pressure meds linked to ED.


High blood pressure and a vacuum erection device


Speak to you physician about a SomaTherapy-ED vacuum erection device if you are interested in restoring sexual function when taking high blood pressure medications.  In a survey of 20,000 men who were prescribed a vacuum erection device from Augusta Medical Systems 53% were taking high blood pressure medications.

What men should know about High blood pressure and Viagra

You can purchase now without a prescription directly from the most trusted manufacturer of medical grade vacuum therapy devices!

Learn About SomaTherapy-ED




The post What men should know about high blood pressure and Viagra appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.

source https://www.augustams.com/high-blood-pressure-and-viagra/

Tuesday 7 November 2017

The difference in an external and internal penis pump

The difference in an external and internal penis pump


Erectile dysfunction pumps can be either internal or external.  Both treat erectile dysfunction and urologist who are often known as “penis doctors” are knowledgeable in the differences between external and internal penis pumps.  The purpose of this article is to be informative about penile implants and cover some of the differences between how internal and external penis pump maintain the erection.


What is a penile implant?


A penile implant or penile prosthesis is a medical device that is surgically implanted within the corpora cavernosa or chambers or the penis. The first penile prosthesis was performed in 1973 by Scott and Bradley.  Penile implants are the oldest effective treatment, as the first surgical internal penis pump was implanted 9 years before Geddings Osbon received FDA clearance to market the first external penis pump 1982. 


Internal penis pump


A surgical process is necessary to use an internal implant. The Hippocratic Oath is an important step in becoming a doctor.  And one of the promises within the oath is “first do no harm.”


The difference in an external and internal penis pump

Unless a surgical procedure is necessary to save a life, non-invasive procedures are normally considered “first step” treatments before highly invasive procedures are utilized.  Many urologist choose to present the option of using an external penis pumps before recommending an internal one.

However, surgical procedures are known to work well and many urologist perform these procedures daily.  A good analogy is the following: “Brain surgery might be necessary,” However, let’s try an aspirin for a headache before going straight to the operation room.


Type of penile implants


Surgical penile implants are either:

  1. Inflatable
  2. Malleable

While both types are surgically inserted into the body.  They work in different ways.


The difference in an external and internal penis pump

The inflatable penile implant consists of two cylinders (some models contain three), a reservoir, and a pump that are placed surgically in the body. The cylinders are inserted in the penis and connected by tubing to a separate reservoir of fluid.

The reservoir is implanted under the lower abdominal muscles. A pump is also connected to the system and sits under the scrotal sac, between the testicles.

To inflate the prosthesis, the man presses on the pump and maintains the erection.

The pump transfers fluid from the reservoir to the cylinders in the penis, inflating them.  This is how the erection is created. Pressing on a deflation valve at the base of the pump returns the fluid to the reservoir, deflating the penis.

Malleable penile implants


The difference in an external and internal penis pump


Like the inflatable surgical penile implant a malleable penile implant consists of two cylinders.  Unlike the inflatable device, the two cylinder are always hard which maintains the erection.  No pump is needed to initiate an erection. They are surgically inserted into the chambers of the penis.

The rods are bent upward to have sex and pointed downward to conceal the device under clothing. Some men choose malleable penile implants because they are considered easier to manipulate than inflatable.  But because the rods are always firm, they are more difficult to conceal.


Penile Implant surgery cost


The difference in an external and internal penis pump

The total cost of penile implant surgery can range from $10,000.00 to $ 30,000.00.  In most cases the malleable prosthesis is less expensive because it is not as complex a surgical procedure as the inflatable penis implant.

There are a number of variables that impact the cost of surgical implant. This translates into some challenges in budgeting for a penile implant surgery such as:

  • Surgeon
  • Anesthesia
  • Facility
  • Prosthesis
  • Administrative support
  • After surgery complications.


Internal and external penis pumps used together


Dr. Dineen and co-author Steven K. Wilson, MD, of the Institute for Urologic Excellence conducted a clinical study based on the comments of vacuum therapy users who believed they were getting larger from regular use of an external erectile dysfunction pump or vacuum erection device.  They developed a protocol for men who were preparing to undergo surgical implant surgery.

The study demonstrated that the average length of surgical implants and rear tip extenders grew 5.5 cm (from 18.4 cm to 23.89 cm) after using vacuum therapy 10 minutes per day for 2 months prior to implant surgery without a constriction ring.  They concluded that use of a vacuum therapy device pre-operatively allowed men to utilize larger internal surgical penile prosthetics. 

The protocol is now a standard aspect of therapy for patients anticipating an implant in Dr. Dineen’s practice.

Vacuum pump therapy for erectile dysfunction


Before considering internal penis pump surgery, trying an external penis pump is a wise choice. An external penis pump is just as it sounds, external.  No surgical procedures involved, nothing foreign enters the body when using an external penis pump to maintain the erection. 

Ed pills are systemic because they are ingested orally and eventually enter the circulatory system, thus impacting the entire body beyond the penis.  Penile injections or ureteral suppositories are localized specifically to the penis. The down side is, that one must become comfortable with injecting himself with a needle or urethral pellet whenever he desires sexual intimacy.

While penile implant surgery is effective, it is the most invasive treatment available for erectile dysfunction.  While a surgical procedure maybe the treatment you eventually choose, for a minimal cost you can try Soma Therapy ED. Over 90% of men find external penis pumps effective and many decide to opt out of very expensive and invasive surgical procedures after using them.


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The difference in an external and internal penis pump














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The post The difference in an external and internal penis pump appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.

source https://www.augustams.com/the-difference-in-an-external-and-internal-penis-pump/

Sunday 5 November 2017

Do Penis pumps really work?

Do Penis Pumps Really Work


The answer to this question is, well… it just depends. Are you prepared to spend the time necessary to learn how to use a penis pump? What do you expect it to do? How do you define the purpose of a penis pump?

What are the real differences between a medical penis pump and a novelty product?  What is penile health and furthermore is it important to you?  Is your partner interested in a better sex life?  How you answer these questions are very important if you want the answers to the question do penis pumps really work.

A man called into Augusta Georgia with a prescription from his urologist for an erectile dysfunction pump and asked if we could ship next day air to California.  He and his wife were preparing to leave in three days for a cruise to celebrate their 35th Wedding anniversary, he wanted to surprise her.

We convinced the gentleman not to order under the pretense of using the device on his trip.  We talked for 30 minutes before he decided to wait until he returned to begin training with the device before attempting sexual intercourse.  We didn’t want his anniversary cruise to be a disappointment. He didn’t either.


How to use a penis pump

Do Penis Pumps really work?Apply the system over the penis.
Do Penis Pumps Really WorkActivate the pumping mechanism. This will draw the blood into the penis, causing an erection.
Do Penis Pumps Really Work
Once the penis is fully engorged, the tension ring is placed at the base of the penis, maintaining the erection.


The process is straightforward. Simply place a cylinder, with a pumping mechanism on the opposite end of the open end of the cylinder, around the base of your penis.  You activate the manual or battery-operated pump head to draw air from the cylinder which pulls blood into the penis.  Lastly, remove the cylinder while sliding a tension ring from the base of the cylinder to the base of penis and you have an erection.  This process can be completed in 2-3 minutes.

This process is very simple……. once you have learned how to do it. 


learning to use a penis pumps is like learning to drive a car

Want to ride a bike, all you must to do is sit on the seat, push off with one foot, steer and pedal.  To drive a car just turn the key, push the accelerator, and turn the steering wheel. 

I think you get the point here…. after the learning, the doing becomes very easy. But, it you are not willing to go through the learning, the doing will not happen.

There are plenty of people who never learn to ride a bike and some people never drive a car.  This doesn’t mean that bicycles and cars are not incredibly effective means of travel.

The truth is the same here, you should expect to spend some time learning to use an erectile dysfunction pump before planning on using it for sexual intimacy.  If you have gone (2) two or more years without normal erectile function, you will have to recondition blood vessels and penile tissues to handle blood flow, this can take a couple of weeks depending on your level of penile health and whether you are willing to practice once a day at first.


Purpose of a penis pump


In 1982 Geddings Osbon was granted clearance to market, with a claim to treat, erectile dysfunction or impotence. The language of the FDA was specific, “to create penile rigidity.” The purpose of an erectile dysfunction pump, vacuum therapy device, or penis pump, is to create and maintain an erection. 

The FDA added another claim in 2008 which was for use in “penile rehabilitation.”

No claims have been approved to “increase the size of the penis.” Penile enlargement is not a claim sanctioned or approved by the FDA.  Adult product websites and novelty products regularly label products and make claims that are not supported by clinical data or sanctioned by FDA regulations. 

A peer reviewed clinical study claims that vacuum therapy for penile rehabilitation can prevent loss of penile length related to a radical prostatectomy.  Physicians are free to make these claims.  Medical device companies are held to different standards.


Medical Penis Pump



Does a penis pump really work

FDA Class II Medical Device guidelines establish labeling claims that are acceptable for penile rigidity devices a.k.a…penis pumps, erectile dysfunction pumps, vacuum therapy or negative pressure devices. 

Quality systems and good manufacturing practices ensure design controls, quality standards, and inspections. Quality guidelines and safety measures are followed by medical device manufacturers. The FDA requires manufacturers of class II medical devices to register under the existing 510K

If the manufacturer of a product you are considering is not registered this should be a red flag and a basic requirement for purchasing this type of product.

Registration and FDA compliance does not guarantee a superior device, but it is the basis for a minimum standard. Buying a non-medical penis pump may be a waste your money and may also distort your views around the effectiveness erectile dysfunction penis pump that is medical grade.


Penile Health



Does a penis pump really work


A penis pump or erectile dysfunction pump does not create penile health.  What does is the process of creating an erection at regular intervals.  As blood is pulled from the body to a flaccid or non-erect penis, arterial based oxygenated blood stretches and supports blood vessels and tissues in the penis, thus keeping them healthy. 

It’s all about regular blood flow which brings much needed oxygen to penile tissues.

Nocturnal penile tumescence, or night time erections, occur during REM sleep.  3-5 erections happen every 24 hours as a result of this natural process.  If medications or underlying medical conditions prevent nocturnal erections from happening the results can be harmful to the penis. 

Penile shrinkage, tissue atrophy, and programmed cell death occur without the presence of naturally occurring blood flow to flaccid penile tissues in the form of erections.  What makes an erectile dysfunction pump a great tool for maintaining penile heath is a simple to move blood and oxygen into tissues that are flaccid. 

A penis pump can be used to create daily erections without drugs, needles, or surgeries.  Incorporate the use of a medical penis pump into your daily routine.  Before your daily shower or bath, use the system without the ring to create an erection and hold if for 3-5 minutes in the cylinder. 

Release the erections and repeat the process several times a in one session to mimic the healthful benefits otherwise produced by nocturnal erections that are no longer present in each 24-hour period.


Better Sex Life


does a penis pump really work
In order for a penis pump to create a better sex life, you must have a partner that is equally committed.  Physically intimacy and emotional wellbeing go hand in hand.  Emotional wellbeing can be expanded with sexual intimacy.  

ED effects both partners, and when by using an erectile dysfunction pump emotional wellbeing and intimacy can be restored once its lost.  If your partner is committed to restoring this aspect of your life together.  Having a supportive spouse is important.


Purchase Soma Therapy-ED 

does a penis pump really work













Purchase now without a prescription!  Contact customer support at 1-800-827-8382 with questions.


The post Do Penis pumps really work? appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.

source https://www.augustams.com/do-penis-pumps-really-work/

Wednesday 1 November 2017

How to keep an erection after Prostate Cancer

How to keep an erection after prostate cancer


Overwhelmed is the only word to accurately describe your emotions on the day your life seemed to change. Test results established your PSA levels were elevated, this led to a biopsy. The biopsy was positive… you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. 

It’s normal and natural to experience anxiety, but here is the good news. You have countless reasons be optimistic about the future. If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer in its early stages, you likely have a very treatable condition.


How to keep an erection after Prostate CancerThis year alone 161,360 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Deaths related to prostate cancer continue to decline in the United States. Successful prostate cancer treatments are changing fears from concerns about mortality, to thoughts around the quality of your life after treatment.

A man who has been treated successfully shifts his thinking from loss of life, to his sex life and potential loss of intimacy with a loved one. Once the cancer is gone, the question quickly becomes can I keep my erection after prostate cancer?


Sex after prostate cancer


Having realistic expectations is a good starting place for men and their partners. The following key factors will determine how to keep an erection after surviving prostate cancer.

  1. The type of prostate cancer treatment administered and side effects if one or bother nerve bundles are removed or damaged.
  2. Whether a man had good erectile function prior to treatment
  3. Age plays a role in sexual health after prostate cancer



How to keep an erection after Prostate CancerSex after a radical prostatectomy


The prostate gland is removed when undergoing a radical proctectomy by a urologist. Nerve bundles that effect erectile function are intertwined with blood vessels so “nerve sparing” techniques are commonly used to assist in the ability of men undergoing a radical prostatectomy to preserve healthy sexual function after the surgery.

The way in which men experience orgasms and changes in ejaculation are also very different after a radical prostatectomy.  

Harvard medical school published a 2017 annual report which is good resource for setting expectations on sex after a radical prostatectomy.

A minimally invasive surgical procedure, called robotic prostatectomy, uses finely controlled robotic instruments to perform nerve sparing surgery, while enhancing patient recovery and outcome.  Even so sexual problems can include dry ejaculation, penile shrinkage, and erectile dysfunction.

Almost all men experience erectile dysfunction for several months to a year after a radical prostatectomy.  Post-operative treatments can improve the return of natural erectile function. 


How to keep an erection after Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer rehabilitation


Penile rehabilitation programs after radical prostatectomy are used by urologist to improve erection problems after surgery.  Penile rehabilitation programs (PRPs) are like a form of physical therapy or erectile dysfunction exercises to induce penile erections for sexual recovery.  This process keeps erectile tissues healthy while the remaining nerves heal from surgery.

The use of an erectile dysfunction pump or vacuum erection device in penile rehabilitation is reportedly effective. According to a clinical study published in May of 2016, the use of a vacuum pump may prevent loss of penile length following a radical prostatectomy.  This is good news for men who want to know how to keep an erection naturally.


How to keep an erection after Prostate Cancer

Sex after prostate cancer radiation treatment



A radiation oncologist is likely to administer radiation treatments.  External beam radiation is a treatment delivered through a machine used to aim high-energy rays (or beams) from outside the tumor into the tumor. Brachytherapy or seed implant treatment places small radioactive seeds within the prostate itself, giving the prostate gland localized radiation therapy. Forty percent of men report ED after radiation treatment.

A clinical study was conducted to determine if tadafil (Cialis) preserved erectile function in men treated with radiotherapy for prostate cancer.  Among 221 participants it was observed that daily use of tadafil (Cialis) did not improve sexual activity.  The findings did not support the use of Cialis (tadafil) to prevent ED.  While men may not have positive results with Cialis, penile injections and erectile dysfunction pumps are usually successful treatments.


How to keep an erection after Prostate Cancer


Sex after Cryotherapy


Cryotherapy is the use of very cold temperatures to freeze and kill prostate cancer cells. Despite being called cryosurgery, it is not actually a type of surgery. The doctor uses transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) to guide several hollow probes (needles) through the skin between the anus and scrotum and into the prostate. Very cold gases are then passed through the needles to freeze and destroy the prostate.

Erectile dysfunction is more common after cryotherapy than after radical prostatectomy. According to a study in The journal of sexual medicine, the impairment of ED is considered a serious complication of whole gland prostate cryoablation. Erectile dysfunction pumps are one of the only effective treatments when freezing bilateral cavernous (chambers within the penis) nerves occurs.


Sex after Hormone replacement therapy or chemotherapy


How to keep an erection after Prostate Cancer

Doctors who treat cancer with medicines such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy are typically medical oncologist. Both of these treatments come in the form of drugs and/or chemicals.  Often hormone replacement therapy and chemotherapy are useful when other prostate cancer treatments have failed or the cancer has spread.

Seminal vesicles invasion means the tumor has spread to the seminal vesicles which are attached to the prostate gland.  To prevent the spread of cancerous tumors Seminal Vesicle-Sparing procedures are often employed.

Hormone replacement or chemotherapy are sometimes used to complement other prostate cancer treatments and are not necessarily treatments of last resort in all cases.  Because of the variety of drugs and chemicals, the impact on sexual function differs tremendously.


Hormone replacement medications for prostate cancer


LHRH agonists:

  • Leuprolide (Lupron, Eligard)
  • Goserelin (Zoladex)
  • Triptorelin (Trelstar)
  • Histrelin (Vantas)
  • Abiraterone (Zytiga)


Chemotherapy drugs for prostate cancer


  • Docetaxel (Taxotere)
  • Cabazitaxel (Jevtana)
  • Mitoxantrone (Novantrone)
  • Estramustine (Emcyt)


The drugs listed above are only a sample of what is available and is used to illustrate a truth.  Because of the range and variety of drugs used in both these treatments the impact on sexual function can range from sever to insignificant.  

Hormone replacement therapy for prostate cancer, for example, can often impact sex drive rather that create erectile dysfunction. It is important to work with your physician to explore all available treatment options.  How to keep a healthy erection?


How to keep an erection after Prostate Cancer


How to keep an erection after prostate cancer


The following treatments for erectile dysfunction after prostate cancer should be reviewed by you and your physician. These treatments are listed from the least invasive to the most invasive.

  • Vacuum Therapy
  • Oral medications
  • Urethral Suppositories
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Penile Injections
  • Penile revascularization
  • Penile Implants

Augusta Medical Systems manufactures Soma Therapy-ED which is the best in class erectile dysfunction pump or vacuum therapy device. AMS has filled prescriptions for over half of the urologist in the United States.  You can purchase now without a prescription!

Erectile Dysfunction Pump for Erectile Dysfunction linked to vitamin D deficiency














If you can questions please call customer support at 1-800-827-8382.

Learn about SomaTherapy-ED

The post How to keep an erection after Prostate Cancer appeared first on Augusta Medical Systems.

source https://www.augustams.com/how-to-keep-an-erection-after-prostate-cancer/